this advertisement came in the mail to Volvo owners 022
- this brochure is advertising the new 2011 Volvo C70 hardtop convertible
- Message content: the message was about the benefits of the Volvo convertible to the original convertible
- Sizes and shape: the way the message was delivered in bullets, one table and pictures short and sweet to keep the audiences attention.
- Readability: the readability was easy the brochure was full of bullets
- Needs the audience: the brochure understands the demographs for adults 19-27 that live in coastal areas and love to feel the wind on there faces
- Design principles and elements: color,emphasis, forum, shape and texture
horsepower 227@5,000 rpm
1. What are trends? Why is it important to identify them prior to graphic design?
- trends are patterns it is important to identify them because if you are about to release a new product and your stock is at a all time high now would be a good time to release your new product
2. How does human nature play a role in how a product is marketed to a specific demographic group?
- human nature is want right now it plays a role because when designers are designing proudcts that give the consumers what they want
3. How is a potential audience identified?
- through group studys discovering what the target aduence wants
4. What must you discover about the target audience prior to graphic design?
- what they want in a proudct and what it would be used for
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