Friday, April 29, 2011

The Deep Dive

1. “From the buildings in which we live and work, to the cars we drive, or the knives and forks with which we eat, everything we use was designed to create some sort of marriage between ____form_____________ and ____function_____________.”

2. The folks at IDEO state that they are not experts in any given area. But, they do claim to be experts on the _________process of how you design things ___________, which they apply to the innovation of consumer products.

3. After the team of designers is brought together, told the problem, and informed they have five days to “pull it off,” what phase of the design process do they immediately engage in?

Brain storm and good ideas

4. Give two examples of what the team members did during this phase.

a. Team work

b. Brainstorm

5. List five rules-of-thumb that IDEO employees follow when they share ideas during the brainstorming phase:

a. One conversation at a time

b. defer judgment

c. No criticism

d. Building on others ideas

e. Stay on topic

6. Why should wild (and sometimes crazy) ideas be entertained during the brainstorming phase?

because they could come up with that one great idea or they could build on other team members ideas 

7. After the brainstorming phase was over, the team narrowed down the hundreds of ideas by ___voting__________ for those ideas that were not only “cool” but also _____build able____________ in a short period of time. What phase of the design process is this called?

Enlighten  Trial and Error

8. IDEO believes that the ideas and efforts of a ____Team__________ will always be more successful than the planning of a lone genius.

9. Once the ideas were narrowed down and divided into categories, the group was split into four smaller teams. What phase(s) of the design process was each of these groups responsible for?

  • Shopping
  • Safety
  • Check out
  • Finding stuff you need

10. The leaders at IDEO believe that ______Playful______ behavior and a _Fun        environment are two important reasons why their employees are able to think quickly and creatively to produce innovative results.

11. Sometimes, people come up with great solutions that work by trying their ideas first, and asking for _____Opinion____________ later.

12. Design is often a process of going too far and having to take a few steps back. What phase of the design process would the critique of the four mock-ups come under?

refinding and communicating there results
13. Upon critique of the four teams’ models, it was obvious that none of the teams had developed an optimum solution. However, the people at IDEO believe that it is important to fail often in order to _____succeed________ sooner.

14. What percentage of the entire week’s time did it take to fabricate the final prototype?
 20% one day

15. Instead of showering his design team with a tremendous amount of praise, what did the boss require his employees to do with their new design?

Improve on there design

16. Of all the things that we are surrounded by every day, what has not been placed through the design process?
  • Human Body
  • Nature

1. What did you find to be the most impressive part of the team’s effort?

  • There commitment to the team
  • there commitment to the project
  • there overall final product

2. What advantages are there to having a design team with members that have non-engineering backgrounds?

  • Crazier ideas
  • better enviorment

3. There was a point in the process where a self-appointed group of adults stepped up, stopped the ideas, and redirected the group to break up into teams. Why was this done?

to set the team back on course if they hadn't the team wouldn't meet the deadline or they would have rushed the project and done something wrong

4. At the end of the video, Dave Kelly states, “Look around. The only things that are not designed are the things we find in nature.” Can you think of anything that would contradict this statement?

 plant fertilizer

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Glider activety

1) What's the challenge?
  • the challenge is to create a glider that will last for a long distance and hang time

2) Brainstorm solutions:
-What are the rules of brainstorming? (oxymoron)
-List your ideas
-Sketch at least two of them
  • there are 5 rules of brain storming
  1. postpone and withhold your ideas
  2. encourage wild and exaggerated ideas
  3. quantity counts in this stage not quality
  4. build on ideas that are put forward by others
  5. every person and every idea has equal worth
        biplane, and single wing plane 


3) Specify:
-Constraints (be specific about materials available)


Constraints: we had to use specif material such as balsa wood and colored paper the quantity

Monday, April 11, 2011

Egg Drop Challenge: Iteration

At the top of your post list the following:Total # of Achievements Earned: are group earend 23 acheviments 
  • total acheviemnts 23 

3) Post an image of your Egg Drop solution

4) Justify (list and explain) your Achievemtns. Use images as appropriate. For organization's sake, use the categories provided in the Egg Drop Achievement List.
** by the ones we have**

Idea Generation Achievements

                                                               decision matrix

                                                                          skceth 1

-Create a sketch of one possible solution. Include labels.  **
-Create a sketch of another possible solution. Include labels.**
-Create a sketch of a third possible solution. Include labels.**
-Use a decision matrix to justify the approach you chose.**



Material Prep
-Generate a list of materials required for build day.**

Build Achievements

Material Size:
(your egg is not included in the material size)
(air is ubiquitous and not included in material size. "Rare" commodities like helium are.)

-Your materials fit inside a printer paper box**
-Your materials fit inside a shoe box**
-Your materials fit inside an Altoids box**


Material Weight:
(your egg is not included in material weight)
-Your materials weigh less than 500 grams.**
-Your materials weigh less than 300 grams.**
-Your materials weigh less than 200 grams.**
-Your materials weigh less than 150 grams.**
-Your materials weigh less than 100 grams.**
-Your materials weigh less than 50 grams.**

Drop Achievements

Drop Accuracy:
-You hit the butcher paper!**

Egg Resilience:
-Your egg broke but the yolk remained intact.**
-Your egg cracked but the yolk stayed inside and intact.**
-Your egg cracked but was still together.**
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)**
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)**
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)**

Communicate Results Achievements
-Create promotional materials for your design.
-Model your solution using CAD software.
-Create a multiview drawing of your CAD model.
-Dimension your multiview drawing.