Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rules of the Road

what Criteria (rules) would you add to the Mousetrap Racecar Challenge to help "level" the playing field?
  • the use of rubber bands is either used by all the teams or none of the teams
  • a specific number of parts is give to each team to create a car
  • all cars have to go through a series of obstacles

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Simple Machine Challenge pt I - Mousetrap Racecars!

my team earned 7 achievements

Criteria:Design, build and compete with a Mousetrap Race car (A "car" uses at least two axles).
Maintain a clean workspace.

One mousetrap
No more than 12" of masking tape
Fischertechnique robotics parts
No more than 24" of string
You must work through the stages of the event (see Achievements below)
Additional materials by Instructor approval

Achievements (by stage):
Post your results for the Simple Machine Challenge pt I to your blog. Tally your total number of Achievements earned and justify each within the post. Your grade is the total number of Achievements you earn curved against the number of Achievements your classmates earn.

 Build:"Build It" - Build your design. Document it with a photo.
"The Price of Glory" - If each part you use costs $1, generate a total cost for your build (This info will be used to generate "cost" data to add a pricing element to the game next year).
  • our car generated 25$ dollars
  • had 25 parts

Test (Compete):Each car will compete on its own. Everyone will take 3 turns and use their best result. Cars are evaluated on acceleration and total distance covered. Generate your design accordingly.
  • our car went a total of three squares          1sqauer equals 30centimeters
  • second try it went 20 squares                     equals  600 centimeters 
  • third try it went 21squares                          equals 630 centimeters   

3)"Competitor" - Compete in the 2nd Annual Mousetrap Race car Challenge.

our final tally was 21 a grand total of 630cedntimeters

Feedback" - Collect feedback (at least one each of +, change, ? and !) from yourself or your classmates.
  • +: had the fastes acceleration time
  • delta: less wight, more compact and more string
  • !: axles need to be smaller
  • ?: why did we have are body so low to the ground
5)  Clean Up:"Leave It Cleaner Than You Found It" - Did you leave your workspace cleaner than you found it? Explain.
  • cleaned up all parts 
  • broke down all parts 
  • left workspace as found

 6)Reflection:"Design/Build" - What is a "Design/Build" process? How did your experience with this challenge relate to that? Why might you experience this in a career related to technical innovation?
  • the 12 step process
  • ideas
  • designing
  • prototype
  • final product
  • can be used in a technical inovation enviorment 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Emergency Preparedness!

Define the Problem

prepare for natural disaster or attacks

  • tsunami
  • wildfire
  • earthquake
  • biological attack
  • terrorist attack
  • epidemic
  • flooding
  • power outage
I can relate to the Californian wildfires of 2003 because i was 7 years old and I remember my parents talking about how close the firers were to my grandmas house and how they had to evacuate.


  1. fire blanket
  2. flashlights
  3. batteries
  4. portable radio
  5. caned food
  6. water
  7. masks
  8. clothes
  9. first aid-kit
  10. medicine for allergies
  11. lighter
  12. hot pan
  13. generator
  14. matches
  15. tent
  16. sleeping bag
  17. guns
  18. toiletries
  19. knife
  20. emergency preparedness  kit
  21. important papers

Generate a Solution

  1. matches
  2. clothes
  3. lighter
  4. knife
  5. toiletries
  6. papers
  7. first aid - kit
  8. flashlight
  9. radio
  10. batteries
  11. clothes
  12. water
  13. canned food

 Solicit Feedback

 +: had all the basic necessities for a natural disaster and all cost efficient 

 delta:  needs more things that are used for all of the family

?: should the lighter be there instead of the matches or vis -versa

 !: the water and canned food and water are necessities

Refine your Solution

  1. clothes
  2. lighter
  3.  water
  4. can food
  5. flashlights
  6. batteries
  7. radio
  8. sleeping bag
  9. first aid-kit
  10. papers