Monday, March 14, 2011

TED pt I - Ideas worth Spreading?

1) What is the TED organization about?
  • TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading

2) What is the purpose of their website and how does the functionality of their site support that?

  • brings together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design

  • 3) As Engineers and Problem Solvers, which topic areas (the choices from the "Show talks related to:" section on the sidebar) are of most interest to us? Justify your answer.
    • technology: because engineers can create new things with better tech
    • design: because design could have better features and look possible 3d
    • business: to market there designs better

    4) Based on your previous answer, what are 3 talks (videos) on the site that appear like they would be of most interest to you as an Engineer/Problem Solver? Justify your choices.

    • as an problem solver the video that interested me was Paul MacCready flies on solar wings because if we can cut fossil fuel and stop global warming
    • as a engineer the video was   Thomas Thwaites: How I built a toaster -- from scratch because it shows how he built a toaster from scratch and how he found the problems for the toaster
    • as a problem solver the video that interasted me was Bart Weetjens: How I taught rats to sniff out land mines | Video on because it solves the problem of people geting blown up by land mines 

    5) Each student will watch a unique video. Claim your video on the following period specific posts: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. If no one else has claimed your video, leave a comment on that post to call the one you want. If someone else has already claimed the talk, go back and pick another one. Watch the video. Embed the video in your blog post and create a bulletized outline of the key issues presented in the talk.

    my video is Paul MacCready flies on solar wings because

    • started the solar wing project when his friend borrowed 100,000 from him
    • crated solar plane that flew across the English channel
    • observed how birds fly and built that in to his plane
    • accepted contract from NASA to create the first long distance solar plane   

    6) How could you get involved in the field/technology/issue you chose to hear about? What experience/skills/training/education would you need to learn to get involved with this field?
    • you  would need to understand the properties of solar power and how to design planes the things you would have to learn would electrical power an leadership skills 

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Reverse Engineering: Mechanicnal Product - Functional Analysis

    1. What is the purpose or primary function of the object?
    • the primary function of the flashlight is to provied light in case of emergancey

    2. Make an educated guess as to how this product operates. Use simple machines’ terminology to explain the object’s sequential operation.

    • batteries supply enrgy when sombody turns it on.  batteries supply energy travels to the bulb and lightsn the flash light up

    3. Identify the system inputs, intended product function, and outputs. Use power point to create a "black box" graphic like the toothbrush example discussed in class. Save the slide as a .jpg image and post it to answer this question

    4. What mechanical components are visible?

    • flash light bulb
    • switch,

    5. What is it about this device’s function that you cannot identify, because the mechanical components are hidden from plain view?

    • the way the light turns on
    • the path of the circut


    Saturday, March 5, 2011

    Reverse Engineering: Mechanical Product

                                        my product is a flash light

                                                                      front view     

                                                                       side view  

                                                                        top view 

                 Visual Analysis
    •  color: attracts the eye to it
    • emphasis: to show that a flashlight is important
    • shape: so it can fit in your hand to use it   

                                                                  Functional Analysis

     the purpose of a flashlight is to provide light in case of a power outage or natural disasters it's mechanical nature of the product is simple it runs on batteries it fits in to the palm of your hand 

                                                                           target audience

    the target audience of this product is anybody but mostly the adults how have families they have them in case of a power outage

                                                                            front view


                                                                              top view

      side view